Volunteers of all ages are a vital part of AFC ministry. Volunteers who live near AFC headquarters in Paradise, PA are needed for mailings, office work, packing books and materials, and other tasks. However, volunteers need not be local! If you don't live in the local area you can serve in other ways such as typing, translation, layout, graphic design, and other tasks.

Chinese Resource Ministry and AFC Distribution Center
- Pull materials for orders of literature.
- Package and prepare orders for shipping.
- Re-stock shelves of newly arrived material.
- Help during AFC’s quarterly inventories.
- Use photocopier and/or computer to reproduce materials.
- Punch and bind out-of-print books that are copied at AFC.
- Make copies of DVDs and CDs using our DVD/CD duplication machine.
- Attach labels on CDs and DVDs using simple stomping tool.
- Edit and/or proofread English materials.
- Format books and materials using a computer.
- Pull and box materials for book tables at conferences and special meetings.
- Assist in finding partners for Mainland Chinese projects.
- Help make our literature known and promote distribution.
- Share the vision and recruit prayer warriors.
- Help manage CRM projects.
- Network via email with present and potential users of literature around the world.
- Scan books and/or book covers for use on the website.
For those proficient in Chinese:
- Translate and edit materials into Chinese or English
- Review materials for future purchase and distribution.
- Write Chinese and/or English descriptions of the materials for the MC Literature
List and website
- Type out letters in Chinese.
Other AFC Ministry Areas:
- Seasonal grounds clean up, mulching, and weeding.
- Meal assistance and preparation for training events (can be done some from home or at AFC)
- Involvement in a local campus ministry – visiting students, providing rides, sharing your testimony, discipleship and evangelism, etc.
- General office tasks (scanning and filing, etc.) – weekly or as available.
- Data Entry – Input information from conference evaluations .
- Graphic Design for flyers, articles, and other projects.
If you are interested in volunteering on an occasional or regular basis, please contact the AFC headquarters office in Paradise, PA at afc@afcinc.org or 717-687-8564, ext 210.