• 蔡蘇娟紀念宿舍和培訓中心 Christiana Tsai Guest Lodge & Training Center Information

    Lodging Rooms

    Type A (2 Queens, ${{prices.a}})
    Type B (2 Full beds + 1 Twin Sofa bed, ${{prices.b}})
    Type C (Suites: 2 Queens + 1 Full sofa bed, ${{prices.c}})

    Training Center Calendar

    Chapel: Praise (80-90 people) ${{prices.chapel}}
    Training room: Joy (72 people with desks) ${{prices.training}}
    Dining room: Hope (36 people) ${{prices.dining}}
    Dining room: Faith (36 people) ${{prices.dining}}
    *Kitchen: ${{prices.kitchen}} /event (facility maintenance fee)(optional)
    Please note
    *Rates based on per room, per night
    *Check out our Calendar for usage of Christiana Tsai Guest Lodge & Training Center
    *if you book more than 10 lodge rooms, we will offer meeting rooms free of charge and free meeting rooms reservation is made on a first-come, first-served basis.

預訂表格 Reservation Information

Please input an valid date
Please input an valid date
Please input an valid Room Count
Please input an valid Room Count
Please input an valid Room Count
Please input an valid Room Count
Estimated Free Rooms On Selected Date
Type A {{freeRoomCount.a}}
Type B {{freeRoomCount.b}}
Type C {{freeRoomCount.c}}
Dinning Room {{freeRoomCount.dining}}
Training Room {{freeRoomCount.training}}
Chapel Room {{freeRoomCount.chapel}}
Kitchen {{freeRoomCount.kitchen}}
Type A: ${{curPrices.a}} * {{booking.count_a}} * {{dayBooked()}} Day(s) = {{dayBooked()*curPrices.a*booking.count_a}}
Type B: ${{curPrices.b}} * {{booking.count_b}} * {{dayBooked()}} Day(s) = {{dayBooked()*curPrices.b*booking.count_b}}
Type C: ${{curPrices.c}} * {{booking.count_c}} * {{dayBooked()}} Day(s) = {{dayBooked()*curPrices.c*booking.count_c}}
Dining: ${{curPrices.dining}} * {{booking.count_dining}} * {{dayBooked()}} Day(s) = {{ booking.count_dining==null?0:curPrices.dining * booking.count_dining*dayBooked()}}
Training: ${{curPrices.training}} * {{booking.count_training}} * {{dayBooked()}} Day(s) ={{dayBooked()*curPrices.training*booking.count_training}}
Chapel: ${{curPrices.chapel}} * {{booking.count_chapel}} * {{dayBooked()}} Day(s) ={{dayBooked()*curPrices.chapel*booking.count_chapel}}
Kitchen: ${{curPrices.kitchen}}
Cleaning: ${{GetCleaningFee()}}

Total: ${{ GetTotal() }}

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