Why go on Short-term Mission Trips? Two BIG reasons.
General Specific Training CMC Mission Alliance Youth/Family

Image from Relevant Magazine
First Reason:
To see God at Work
Participating in a Short-term Mission Trip is a chance for us to join God on His mission. God has long been at work, establishing His kingdom to the ends of the earth, and a short-term trip affords us the opportunity to see His glory displayed.
God longs for His people to catch His heart for the nations. Hence, God invites you, us to join Him to see His grand mission unfold. And as we bear witness to God’s glory, like the Psalmist, we shall utter, “Not to us oh Lord, but to Your Name be the glory!” Hallelujah!
Short-term Mission Trip is not a “us feel good, life-changing” kind of trip. Instead, it is a trip that should mobilize, ignite and launch us into the world to join the grand mission that God Himself is already on. Will you join God or stay and miss out?
Second Reason:
Changing from a One-time event to a Long-Term Commitment
“Mission trips should never be a stand-alone, but rather be a springboard toward a lifelong commitment.” It is a celebration of God and human partnership. When people return home from a short-term mission trip, it should be the beginning of an intentional challenge to strategize our next steps.
As a follower of Jesus, every one of us is called to be engaged in God’s mission for life. We are either a giver, a sender, a mobilizer, a pray-er, or a go-er. By establishing a post-short-term mission strategy, each participant will get to know the true joy of partnering well with God and others in building His kingdom.
Excerpt of Blog authored by Sarah Bourns